If you are new to exercising or you're an experienced exerciser starting a new exercise program, you might gain water weight because of inflammation. The inflammation is a result of small tears in your muscle fibers known as microtraumas. The additional fluid that congregates around the inflamed area is just part of the body's defense system. It's also the reason you feel varying degrees of soreness a day or two after a workout. The good part about these microtraumas is when they heal (which is why good sleep and good nutrition is so important), the fibers become stronger and more resilient. Give it a couple of weeks and your body will adapt and your inflammation, and the additional water weight, will lessen significantly. It's just that simple and it's nothing to worry about, so don't be afraid to keep on exercising, increasing your strength and cardiovascularity, and ultimately, burning fat!
Again, if you are new to exercising or you're an experienced exerciser starting a new exercise program, you may be building muscle more rapidly than you are burning fat. Combine this with a small amount of weight gain from inflammation and you'll be ready to toss the dumbbells out the window along with the weight scale. I have seen this with women who become frustrated because they feel their rear end and thighs are getting fatter. But fret not and be patient, as your fat burning will catch up and surpass your muscle growth, which will lead to the exposure of a nicely toned butt and thighs. In this day and age of instant gratification, it just takes good old-fashioned patience and time to tone your muscles and build up your metabolism enough to burn away the fat---the reward for that patience will be uncovering the beautifully toned figure that was previously hiding beneath the fat.
- Reason 3: BAD BEHAVIOR
Don't be afraid to admit you're doing something wrong. Eating too much, eating too little, lack of nutritious foods, stress, exercising too hard or too often, not enough sleep, stress, drinking too much alcohol, and smoking will sabotage your best intentions to lose weight and get fit. Stop adding more stress to your life and be honest with yourself: are you truly taking responsibility for your weight loss and health or are your behaviors crippling your pathway to success?
The Statue of David took 3 years! Having the patience and work ethic of Michelangelo will produce results.
Rome wasn't built in a day; neither was the Statue of David. The human body, like Rome and David, needs time, an appropriate level of care, a good dose of knowledge, and a consistent amount of work to construct better health and a great figure. So don't worry about a little weight gain initially; instead, focus on the factors---exercise, a proper diet, rest---that will help you reach your goals.